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“Art of the Real” Announces 2016 Lineup - In the Air, Art+Auction's Gossip Column (blog)
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Реєстрація / авторизація
Дата добавления: 04.03.2016
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Крупа манная
“Art of the Real” Announces 2016 Lineup - In the Air, Art+Auction's Gossip Column (blog)
In the Air, Art+Auction's Gossip Column (blog) The series, which runs from April 8-21, was organized once again by Director of Programming Dennis Lim and Programmer at Large Rachael Rakes, is dedicated to genre-expanding documentary work and will include 22 feature-length films, two programs of ... |
Реєстрація / авторизація
Дата добавления: 04.03.2016
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